Werde Teil des Teams von NIKE, Inc. Team

NIKE, Inc. stattet nicht nur die besten Athleten der Welt aus. Wir erkunden neue Möglichkeiten, finden Wege und überwinden die Grenzen des Machbaren. Unser Unternehmen sucht nach Menschen, die wachsen, denken, träumen und gestalten möchten. Unsere Unternehmenskultur schätzt Vielfalt und belohnt Einfallsreichtum. Unsere Marke sucht Menschen, die ihre Ziele erreichen, Führungsfähigkeiten haben und den Blick in die Zukunft richten. Bei NIKE, Inc. bringen alle Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter ihre Fähigkeiten ein und nehmen immer neue Herausforderungen mit Leidenschaft an.

NIKE, Inc. does more than outfit the world's best athletes. It is a place to explore potential, obliterate boundaries and push out the edges of what can be. The company looks for people who can grow, think, dream and create. Its culture thrives by embracing diversity and rewarding imagination. The brand seeks achievers, leaders and innovators. At Nike, it’s about each person bringing skills and passion to a challenging and constantly evolving game.

With aggressive long-term growth targets, Nike Inc.’s continued success hinges on new product innovations, operational excellence and fostering a workplace and portfolio of locations that can unleash the creativity and potential of all employees and our brand. Global Places and Services (GPS) is responsible for leading the transformation of the Nike workplace by making location as a competitive advantage through a relentless focus on physical space, services and portfolio solutions.

The GPS team will leverage systems, design thinking, and key partnerships across the Nike matrix and the industry to bring Nike to the forefront of new ways of working. GPS will serve as an enterprise catalyst under the CFO, helping to lead change, strengthen its global operations and accelerate progress toward Nike’s strategic objectives and in support of our strategic offense.


Within GPS, Nike Travel is responsible for moving and connecting employees around the globe at the optimal service levels and cost. This role is part of a global team supported by an external Travel Management Company (TMC). If this is you, you’ll be part of the GPS Services Team, and will report to the Director of Travel and Global Events based in WHQ (World Headquarters) and collaborate closely with your peers within the Travel team.


We are looking for a Lead to manage travel within the APAC region. This role will be responsible for the implementation and management of travel operations and solutions in APAC (Greater China, Asia Pacific) in partnership with our Global Travel Team Standards and Partnerships. 

If this is you, you’ll be working with the Travel team and will have oversight and execution responsibilities in tasks like:

  • Creating, operationalizing, and managing a localized APAC (Greater China, Asia Pacific) travel strategy in conjunction with the Nike Global Travel team members.
  • Developing and maintaining relationships with key APAC stakeholders; creating a stakeholder engagement strategy ensuring that key stakeholders understand programming and can provide localized insights and act as a Travel super user in that location.
  • Managing local travel suppliers and local TMC (Travel Management Company) under our Global partnerships on escalation issues, payment solutions, ongoing relationship management and contract engagement.
  • Acting as the SME for Nike’s APAC region into our Global Travel team to ensure insights, trends, and program input provides regional point of view.
  • Responsible for all regional traveler engagement, inclusive of managing day to day escalations of regional users, ad hoc local changes and solutioning, location promotions and rolling out global initiatives in the region. 


You will need to have experience in corporate travel with the ability to bridge between industry standards and Nike needs in the region, tying to our global strategies.

We’re looking for a candidate capable of crafting programs and solutions tied to defined outcomes across multiple teams with the ability to implement with key performance indicators and check and adjust where needed.

We are looking for someone with:

  • A minimum of six years directly relevant work experience, including corporate travel experience with bachelor’s degree or equivalent combination of education, experience or training
  • Experience of launched travel services and successful implementations
  • Strong communication skills with the ability to work across many different users, teammates and partner groups, having the ability to deliver and bring along a global vision and approach.
  • Experience working with teams with collaborative approach
  • Experience managing suppliers
  • Strong problem-solving skills with ability to analyze reporting and decide where corrective action is necessary

Was dich erwartet


01 Bewerben

Unsere Teams leben von einer Vielfalt an Kompetenzen, Fähigkeiten, Denkweisen, Ideen und Erfahrungen. Wir möchten, dass du die für dich richtige Stelle findest. Sieh dir Stellenbeschreibungen, Abteilungen und Teams an und finde heraus, welche Rolle zu dir passt.

02 Recruiter:in treffen oder an Beurteilung teilnehmen

Wenn du für eine Stelle im Unternehmen ausgewählt wirst, setzt sich ein:e Recruiter:in mit dir in Verbindung, um das Vorstellungsgespräch einzuleiten und dir während des gesamten Prozesses als Hauptansprechpartner:in zur Seite zu stehen. Bei Stellen im Retail-Bereich nimmst du an einer interaktiven Beurteilung teil, die ein Gespräch und Quizfragen umfasst und etwa 10 bis 20 Minuten dauert. Egal, welche Rolle du anstrebst, wir möchten dich als ganze Person kennenlernen. Zögere also nicht, uns zu zeigen, was erstklassiger Service für dich bedeutet und was dich einzigartig macht.

03 Vorstellungsgespräch

Bereite dich gut auf diese Phase vor, indem du recherchierst, dich über unsere Anforderungen informierst und dich auf Fragen zu deiner Person und deinen Erfahrungen einstellst.

Zwei Menschen lächeln und umarmen sich im Freien