Werde Teil des Teams von NIKE, Inc. Team
NIKE, Inc. stattet nicht nur die besten Athleten der Welt aus. Wir erkunden neue Möglichkeiten, finden Wege und überwinden die Grenzen des Machbaren. Unser Unternehmen sucht nach Menschen, die wachsen, denken, träumen und gestalten möchten. Unsere Unternehmenskultur schätzt Vielfalt und belohnt Einfallsreichtum. Unsere Marke sucht Menschen, die ihre Ziele erreichen, Führungsfähigkeiten haben und den Blick in die Zukunft richten. Bei NIKE, Inc. bringen alle Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter ihre Fähigkeiten ein und nehmen immer neue Herausforderungen mit Leidenschaft an.
Become a Part of the NIKE, Inc. Team
NIKE, Inc. does more than outfit the world’s best athletes. It is a place to explore potential, obliterate boundaries and push out the edges of what can be. The company looks for people who can grow, think, dream and create. Its culture thrives by embracing diversity and rewarding imagination. The brand seeks achievers, leaders and visionaries. At NIKE, Inc. it’s about each person bringing skills and passion to a challenging and constantly evolving game.
- Apoie uma equipa que possa receber produtos de forma eficiente, realizar inventários precisos e cumprir os padrões de apresentação.
- Garantir que todos os processos de stock funcionam bem para que a área de vendas esteja sempre cheia, tenha uma boa apresentação e cumpra os padrões da marca.
- Trabalhar com formadores de departamento que supervisionarão componentes individuais (receção de produtos e apresentação visual) enquanto realiza estas tarefas.
- Ser responsável por preparar as iniciativas de lançamento mensais dentro do prazo e fornecer feedback regularmente.
- Utilize as nossas ferramentas de reporting com o formador do seu departamento para tomar as melhores decisões de negócio.
- Garantir que a equipa tem as ferramentas para oferecer experiências de alto nível aos atletas (Meta)
- Colaborar com os treinadores para garamtir o bom funcionamento e desenvolvimento da NIKE para fortalecer a equipa
- Trabalhe com o formador da sua loja para implementar o horário de funcionamento, a disponibilidade, a utilização e o envio
- Colaborar com a equipa da loja para implementar e manter uma cultura NIKE positiva
- Dar o exemplo de como oferecer o nosso serviço na sala de vendas e melhorar a experiência do cliente
- Fornecer recursos para que a equipa tenha conhecimento da marca em todos os aspetos do atendimento ao cliente, como a utilização de serviços digitais
- Completar o treino específico e reportar aos serviços do atleta
- Utilizar dados e análises para fornecer insights e colaborar com líderes de loja experientes para melhorar continuamente
• Support a team that can receive products efficiently, conduct accurate inventories and meet presentation standards.
• Ensure all stock processes are running smoothly so that the sales floor is always full, well presented and meets brand standards.
• Work with department trainers who will oversee individual components (receiving products and visual presentation) while you perform these tasks.
• Be responsible for preparing monthly launch initiatives on time and providing regular feedback.
• Use our reporting tools with your department trainer to make the best business decisions.
• Ensure the team has the tools to deliver world-class athlete experiences (Goal)
• Collaborate with coaches to ensure the smooth operation and development of NIKE to strengthen the team
Work with your store trainer to implement store hours, availability, usage and shipping
• Collaborate with the store team to implement and maintain a positive NIKE culture
• Lead by example on how to deliver our service on the sales floor and enhance the customer experience
Provide resources for the team to be brand-savvy in all aspects of customer service, such as the use of digital services
Complete specific training and report back to athlete services
Use data and analytics to provide insights and collaborate with experienced store leaders to continuously improve
NIKE, Inc. is a growth company that looks for team members to grow with it. Nike offers a generous total rewards package, casual work environment, a diverse and inclusive culture, and an electric atmosphere for professional development. No matter the location, or the role, every Nike employee shares one galvanizing mission: To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world.
NIKE, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, or disability.
01 Bewerben
Unsere Teams leben von einer Vielfalt an Kompetenzen, Fähigkeiten, Denkweisen, Ideen und Erfahrungen. Wir möchten, dass du die für dich richtige Stelle findest. Sieh dir Stellenbeschreibungen, Abteilungen und Teams an und finde heraus, welche Rolle zu dir passt.
02 Recruiter:in treffen oder an Beurteilung teilnehmen
Wenn du für eine Stelle im Unternehmen ausgewählt wirst, setzt sich ein:e Recruiter:in mit dir in Verbindung, um das Vorstellungsgespräch einzuleiten und dir während des gesamten Prozesses als Hauptansprechpartner:in zur Seite zu stehen. Bei Stellen im Retail-Bereich nimmst du an einer interaktiven Beurteilung teil, die ein Gespräch und Quizfragen umfasst und etwa 10 bis 20 Minuten dauert. Egal, welche Rolle du anstrebst, wir möchten dich als ganze Person kennenlernen. Zögere also nicht, uns zu zeigen, was erstklassiger Service für dich bedeutet und was dich einzigartig macht.
03 Vorstellungsgespräch
Bereite dich gut auf diese Phase vor, indem du recherchierst, dich über unsere Anforderungen informierst und dich auf Fragen zu deiner Person und deinen Erfahrungen einstellst.