Werde Teil des Converse Teams

Bei Converse entdecken wir Potentiale, überwinden Grenzen und erweitern unsere Horizonte. Unser Unternehmen sucht nach Menschen, die wachsen, denken, träumen und gestalten möchten. Unsere Unternehmenskultur schätzt Vielfalt und belohnt Einfallsreichtum. Unsere Marke sucht Menschen, die ihre Ziele erreichen, Führungsfähigkeiten haben und den Blick in die Zukunft richten. Bei Converse bringen alle Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter ihre Fähigkeiten ein und nehmen als Team sich ständig verändernde Herausforderungen mit Leidenschaft an.


We are looking for a Senior Director to lead our Brand Marketing function for the Asia geography.

We are looking for someone to lead the marketing activation and strategy with a clear vision grounded in tangible consumer insights. You will ensure robust integration of Brand and Business through effective processes and strategies. You will also coordinate across categories and functions from the Asia geography to the Global team, focusing on creative cultural segments.


Reporting directly to the VP/GM of Asia, this role will be on the Asia Leadership Team to develop, implement, and oversee comprehensive business activities for the geography. You will execute and analyze marketing plans, budgets, and performance targets across the integrated marketplace (Wholesale, Direct and Digital). You will also develop, manage, and implement strategies tailored to distribution channels, aligned by consumer and product segments. We are seeking someone who can propose and ensure execution of strategies, programs, and processes to achieve revenue targets and strong brand positioning within Asia. This role will also, working in alignment with the Global Brand Marketing team, ensure that marketing initiatives are aligned and driven with excellence. Contributing to cross-functional business planning and decision-making, this person will provide strong management and communication to cross-functional business leaders and brand functional teams.

Our Senior Director of Asia Brand Marketing will drive the global concept map and allocate budgets by function and category, while prioritizing strategies on the most significant Brand opportunities. Through leading full integration planning processes between Global Marketing and Asia teams, this role will advocate in global planning sessions with an Asia perspective.

With a focus on functional excellence, this leader will collaborate with Global Marketing leads on planning and execution of all initiatives in the regional marketing plans. This person will ensure effective communication flow and implement processes to share information between functional leads and the regional team. To ensure all marketing activities align with Converse brand strategy, this highly impactful leader will inspire and motivate the Brand Management team.

This person plays a leadership role in major initiative meetings to ensure aligned information flow and clear objectives. This will support milestone meeting preparation processes and provide adequate seasonal tools. This person will frequently visit key strategic partners and distribution channels to track the execution of initial findings to leverage takeaways for future actions. This thought-leader will also advise on resource investment to differentiate the brand in front of consumers.

This leader will drive consumer insights, being the consumer and marketing expert, anticipating trends and marketplace opportunities. By maximizing the use of digital tools, our Senior Director will lead regular research activities and gather consumer insights to inform seasonal game plan process. This will drive processes for continuous consumer immersion to understand target needs, wants, attitudes, and behaviors. It is critical to track Brand health metrics to drive brand heat, love and loyalty from our consumer creators.


  • 10 years of Marketing experience, including 5 years in a managerial position, in a global environment.
  • Fluent use business analysis and research tools.
  • Preferred sectors of provenience are: business with similar core target (youth) and with fashion/energy connection
  • History of success leading highly functioning brand marketing teams.
  • Partners management (several different agencies will work directly with this position), project development process knowledge (mainly Keynote, PowerPoint and Excel).
  • Understanding the competitive youth culture marketplace and know how to deal with different POV’s from customers functional leaders
  • Ability to understand complex business scenarios, find creative ways to solve problems, and make sound decisions for the benefit of the Converse brand
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills, including meeting facilitation and presentations.
  • Ability to develop and maintain fair and honest relationships at all levels, both internally and externally.
  • Proven ability to persuade and influence people to take desired actions.
  • Ability to communicate effectively with clear, concise written messages through memos, e-mails and reporting tools.
  • Positive attitude and enthusiasm towards consumers and the business (the job).
  • Proven ability to prioritize workloads, negotiate, and influence decision makers
Was dich erwartet


01 Bewerben

Unsere Teams leben von einer Vielfalt an Kompetenzen, Fähigkeiten, Denkweisen, Ideen und Erfahrungen. Wir möchten, dass du die für dich richtige Stelle findest. Sieh dir Stellenbeschreibungen, Abteilungen und Teams an und finde heraus, welche Rolle zu dir passt.

02 Recruiter:in treffen oder an Beurteilung teilnehmen

Wenn du für eine Stelle im Unternehmen ausgewählt wirst, setzt sich ein:e Recruiter:in mit dir in Verbindung, um das Vorstellungsgespräch einzuleiten und dir während des gesamten Prozesses als Hauptansprechpartner:in zur Seite zu stehen. Bei Stellen im Retail-Bereich nimmst du an einer interaktiven Beurteilung teil, die ein Gespräch und Quizfragen umfasst und etwa 10 bis 20 Minuten dauert. Egal, welche Rolle du anstrebst, wir möchten dich als ganze Person kennenlernen. Zögere also nicht, uns zu zeigen, was erstklassiger Service für dich bedeutet und was dich einzigartig macht.

03 Vorstellungsgespräch

Bereite dich gut auf diese Phase vor, indem du recherchierst, dich über unsere Anforderungen informierst und dich auf Fragen zu deiner Person und deinen Erfahrungen einstellst.

Zwei Menschen lächeln und umarmen sich im Freien