Werde Teil des Converse Teams
Bei Converse entdecken wir Potentiale, überwinden Grenzen und erweitern unsere Horizonte. Unser Unternehmen sucht nach Menschen, die wachsen, denken, träumen und gestalten möchten. Unsere Unternehmenskultur schätzt Vielfalt und belohnt Einfallsreichtum. Unsere Marke sucht Menschen, die ihre Ziele erreichen, Führungsfähigkeiten haben und den Blick in die Zukunft richten. Bei Converse bringen alle Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter ihre Fähigkeiten ein und nehmen als Team sich ständig verändernde Herausforderungen mit Leidenschaft an.
At Converse we believe that those independent enough not to follow will move the world forward. We’re a place to explore potential, break barriers and push the edges. A company that’s inspired by what came before us but even more excited about what’s coming next and somewhere YOU get to write the next chapter of a 100+ year old story. We look for people who can grow, think, dream and create. Our culture thrives by embracing diversity and rewarding imagination with each person bringing their authentic selves to a challenging and constantly evolving world to push things forward.
Do you have expertise in account and team management, a passion for fashion retail across digital and physical formats, an interest in youth culture? Then the great news is that we have the perfect role for you!
The Senior Manager for our European Validate Strategic Sport Partners will know how to create and cultivate strong relationships with our key partners. They will be able to work cross functionally to unlock the full potential of the Converse brand, while leading the strategy for their area of business. They will be able to create a high-performance environment through motivating and growing our talent.
You will be the business owner for our Western European Strategic Sport Partners as we endeavor to strengthen our relationships and continue to sustainably grow the Converse business in alignment with our integrated marketplace strategy.
- Lead the Validate Sport Partner team: to sustainably grow the business in alignment with our Integrated Marketplace Strategy
- Grow our talent: to become leaders of the future in alignment with their career development plans
- Collaborate: across the Converse business with Customer Operations, Business planning, Go to Market, Merchandising, Retail Marketing, Finance and Commercial teams to achieve your business goals
- Plan, Implement, Review & Optimise: Constantly learn to improve yourself and your team
- Set the future: leverage the W.E Converse Corporate Strategy to build a long term strategic plan for your account base
- Team Player: be a key member of the Validate leadership team providing insights and support when needed
You will be working closely with primarily your direct reports, the Director of Converse W.E Validate and the senior key stakeholders of our partners.
Additionally, you will be part of the W.E Validate commercial management team and a key member of the broader W.E commercial team.
You will have interactions with global stakeholders on various topics to support select accounts within your portfolio.
The role is based in Converse EHQ, Hilversum, The Netherlands but with travel expected to meet our retail partners.
- Passion for the Converse brand and culture
- Relevant experience working within youth culture and/or fashion/street style spaces similar to Converse
- Strong team management experience, leading multiple and diverse individuals, helping them reach their goals year after year. Experience in goal setting for your direct reports. A track record of developing talent
- Experience within a senior sales role or a senior merchandising role with losses and wins, negotiations. Experience in building and negotiating complex trade terms, cross functional experience (brand, planning, finance, merchandising) Strong commercial acumen with experience of financial forecasting/planning and a firm understanding of the Gross to Net process
- Strong account management and relationship building experience
- Detail oriented and results driven. This position requires someone who can plan ahead, think analytically, and execute
- Experience working with NBHD accounts is a strong plus
- Experience working on a strategy and breaking down actions year on year is a strong plus
- Strong verbal, written and presentational skills
- Strong analytical skills and proven capability to use data to drive business decisions
- Ability to collaborate in high profile matrix-oriented environment across various business functions.
- A proven ability of building strong relationships with challenging external stakeholders
01 Bewerben
Unsere Teams leben von einer Vielfalt an Kompetenzen, Fähigkeiten, Denkweisen, Ideen und Erfahrungen. Wir möchten, dass du die für dich richtige Stelle findest. Sieh dir Stellenbeschreibungen, Abteilungen und Teams an und finde heraus, welche Rolle zu dir passt.
02 Recruiter:in treffen oder an Beurteilung teilnehmen
Wenn du für eine Stelle im Unternehmen ausgewählt wirst, setzt sich ein:e Recruiter:in mit dir in Verbindung, um das Vorstellungsgespräch einzuleiten und dir während des gesamten Prozesses als Hauptansprechpartner:in zur Seite zu stehen. Bei Stellen im Retail-Bereich nimmst du an einer interaktiven Beurteilung teil, die ein Gespräch und Quizfragen umfasst und etwa 10 bis 20 Minuten dauert. Egal, welche Rolle du anstrebst, wir möchten dich als ganze Person kennenlernen. Zögere also nicht, uns zu zeigen, was erstklassiger Service für dich bedeutet und was dich einzigartig macht.
03 Vorstellungsgespräch
Bereite dich gut auf diese Phase vor, indem du recherchierst, dich über unsere Anforderungen informierst und dich auf Fragen zu deiner Person und deinen Erfahrungen einstellst.