Únete al equipo de NIKE, Inc.
NIKE, Inc. no solo viste a las mayores estrellas del deporte del mundo. También te permite explorar tu potencial, romper las barreras e ir más allá de lo que creías posible. Buscamos personas capaces de crecer, pensar, soñar y crear. La cultura de la empresa anima a aceptar la diversidad y recompensar la imaginación. Necesitamos personas sin miedo al éxito, líderes y con una mentalidad visionaria. En NIKE, Inc. todo el mundo aporta sus habilidades y pasiones, en un entorno exigente en continuo cambio.
We are looking for an experienced and talented brand marketeer passionate about running and sports. A marketeer ideally experienced in cross-functional marketing (including digital, retail & partner marketing) and is driven to create a culture of creativity, innovation and inspiration to reimagine the future of running. A talent who embodies the values that our company holds, one willing to adapt on the fly, manage multiple workstreams at once, all while maintaining a positive growth mindset.
This role will require being part of the team developing the seasonal direction across the priority opportunities within Road, Racing and Trail running dimensions. The successful candidate will support our seasonal offense as a critical member of the EMEA Running marketing team to build plans that support our key business drivers, while identifying opportunities and developing plans that grow our Men's Running business and drive deeper consumer connection with our runners.
This role will be a key partner to other Marketing Functions as well as Global and City teams to coordinate and collaborate to drive efficiency & alignment for our marketing plans, this includes:
Obsessing the Running consumer, translating insights into brand opportunities that take our consumers somewhere new
Driving seasonal and seasonless brand campaigns end to end in service of the Brand and Business priorities, coordinating across multiple teams to drive impact.
Partner with Product Merchandising, Nike Digital, Nike Retail and Partner marketing teams to plan consumer journeys that benefit our consumer and results in a positive uplift for our business.
As the EMEA Lead Marketing professional, Men's Running, you will report directly into the EMEA Men's Director of Men's Running.
You will work alongside a team of other EMEA Brand management directors, Lead Professionals, and Professionals that, with you, will collectively build the future of sport through a unified EMEA Running Plan.
You will collaborate with teammates to build a more comprehensive approach to serve Athletes* more holistically.
You will also collaborate and partner with the following key stakeholders
Brand Creative
Integrated Media
Marketing Ops and Planning
Digital Marketing
Retail Marketing
Partner Marketing
Product Merchandising
Sports Marketing
City Teams
Global Brand Marketing
External agencies
This job posting will be closed on the 20th of March 2025.
After that, we will share feedback to all applications and move forward with the shortlisted ones.
This role is not available for relocation.
01. Presenta una solicitud
Nuestros equipos son diversos y están formados por personas que aportan capacidades, conocimientos, ideas y experiencias diferentes. Queremos que encuentres el trabajo perfecto para ti, así que lee las descripciones de los puestos, los departamentos y los equipos.
02. Conoce al/a la responsable de la selección de personal o haz una evaluación
Si te seleccionan para ocupar un puesto corporativo, la persona responsable de la contratación te contactará para comenzar las entrevistas y será tu punto de contacto principal durante todo el proceso. Para los puestos de Retail, tendrás que completar una evaluación interactiva de entre 10 y 20 minutos que incluye una conversación y cuestionarios. Independientemente de tu puesto, queremos conocer todas tus facetas, así que no tengas reparo en enseñar cómo ofreces un servicio premium y qué es lo que te diferencia de los demás.
03. Haz una entrevista
Enfréntate a esta fase con confianza. Para ello, investiga, entiende lo que buscamos y prepárate para responder a las preguntas que te hagan para conocerte mejor a ti y a tu experiencia.