Únete al equipo de Converse
Converse te permite explorar tu potencial, superar obstáculos e ir más allá de lo que creías posible. Buscamos personas capaces de crecer, pensar, soñar y crear. La cultura de la empresa anima a aceptar la diversidad y recompensar la imaginación. Necesitamos personas sin miedo al éxito, líderes y con una mentalidad visionaria. En Converse, todo el mundo aporta sus habilidades y pasiones para mejorar como equipo en un entorno exigente en continuo cambio.
Become part of the Converse Team
Converse is a place to explore potential, break barriers and push out the edges of what can be. The company looks for people who can grow, think, dream and create. Its culture thrives by embracing diversity and rewarding imagination. The brand seeks achievers, leaders and visionaries. At Converse, it’s about each person bringing skills and passion to a challenging and constantly evolving world to make things better as a team.
Without You, We’d Just Be Collectors of Our Own Stuff
Business equals selling stuff. That’s the basic model. The more complex awesome model is creating stuff that people identify with and then you figuring out how to get it to them. We need people like you: creative, dynamic problem solvers who see it as more than business. Who see it as giving people the tools of self-expression and individuality.
As our Retail Lead and a member of the Converse Leadership Team, you will assist the Store Manager in achieving sales and profitability targets and providing direction to other store employees. Help ensure long-term business growth by providing outstanding merchandising and customer service support within the Converse Store!
Operational and Merchant Excellence:
- Ensure consistent execution of operating and merchant standards.
- Open and close store per operating procedures and standard processes
- Partner with SM to ensure that all visual merchandising, promotions, and markdowns are completed within guidelines and on time (to include mismates, obsolete, and defectives)
- Follow our shipment standard processes and policies
- Ensure that employees are cross-trained as appropriate in all areas of operation, such as footwear, apparel, equipment, cashiering, and back of the house.
Customer Service:
- As a Converse Brand Ambassador, you lead and demonstrate the STARS MANTRA daily.
- Consistently communicates financial objectives and critical metrics such as daily goals and hourly readings. Your role is to mentor and encourage team members to reach those goals.
Financial Performance:
- Assist in delivering the Financial Budget.
- In this role, you add to the store's financial performance through efficiency for critical sales, revenue, and shrinkage metrics, including conversion rates, UPT, and ADPTs.
- A passion for Converse and the Fashion/Apparel footwear industry.
- Some experience in retail and/or leadership positions
- Very good command of English language (written and spoken)
- Experience and competency in serving exceptional consumer service
- Ability to coach and develop a strong team
- Strong focus on communication
- Flexibility to work in shifts and on weekends
01. Presenta una solicitud
Nuestros equipos son diversos y están formados por personas que aportan capacidades, conocimientos, ideas y experiencias diferentes. Queremos que encuentres el trabajo perfecto para ti, así que lee las descripciones de los puestos, los departamentos y los equipos.
02. Conoce al/a la responsable de la selección de personal o haz una evaluación
Si te seleccionan para ocupar un puesto corporativo, la persona responsable de la contratación te contactará para comenzar las entrevistas y será tu punto de contacto principal durante todo el proceso. Para los puestos de Retail, tendrás que completar una evaluación interactiva de entre 10 y 20 minutos que incluye una conversación y cuestionarios. Independientemente de tu puesto, queremos conocer todas tus facetas, así que no tengas reparo en enseñar cómo ofreces un servicio premium y qué es lo que te diferencia de los demás.
03. Haz una entrevista
Enfréntate a esta fase con confianza. Para ello, investiga, entiende lo que buscamos y prepárate para responder a las preguntas que te hagan para conocerte mejor a ti y a tu experiencia.