NIKE, Inc.チームの 一員になる

NIKE, Inc.の仕事は、世界トップクラスのアスリートたちにウェアやシューズを提供することだけではありません。ここは自分の潜在力を探求し、限界を取り払って、可能性を大きく広げることができる職場です。Nikeが求めているのは、意欲を持って成長し、自分の頭で考え、夢を思い描き、新しく創造できる人材。多様性を武器に創意工夫を奨励することで、企業文化を発展させています。Nikeブランドは、成功に向かって努力を続ける人や、チームを率いるリーダーや、大きな目標を思い描ける人材を求めています。常に進化し続ける仕事にはやりがいがあり、NIKE, Inc.では従業員一人ひとりが各々のスキルと情熱を日々の業務に注いでいます。


This role reports to the Korea Inbound Transportation Manager, within Korea Supply Chain. This role will collaborate with multiple stakeholders, both internal and external. Internally, this role will partner closely with cross-functional teams such as Global Customs and Trade, Legal, Government Public Affairs (GPA), Origin strategy, Finance, Marketplace and Logistics. Externally, this role maintains close contact with Customs and Government officials, Customs brokers, and Legal consultants. The scope of work includes Korea, Japan, Pacific and South-East Asia and & India (SEA&I).


We are looking for an experienced professional with in-depth knowledge of Customs & international Trade industry and have experience understanding the Bill of Material (BOM) terms, interpreting, and converting the information into the correct customs criteria. This role will provide subject matter expertise on Nike’s import commodities. The Analyst will prioritize high volume workflow requests from Nike’s internal and external partners, and will optimize product classification, trade compliance, and facilitate Customs imports of Nike products. This role will be based in Nike Seoul headquarters and there may be business trips to work-related areas.

Bullets to include details on:

  • Minimum of 2 years of customs import experience.

  • Bachelor’s degree in Business, Analytics, Supply Chain, International Trade, or related field.

  • Strong written and oral communication skills both Korean & English.

  • Subject matter competency on import apparel requirements, apparel classification, Import regulations, supply chain logistics and Experience in the customs & international trade industry, policy & procedure development.

  • Excellent strategic planning, problem-solving, time management, prioritizing, interpersonal skills and multitasking abilities.

  • Knowledge of deeper customs law and audit such as customs, Harmonized Tariff System (HTS), Free Trade Agreement (FTA) experience preferred.


You will use Nike’s internal systems to enter and review product attributes and determine apparel characteristics for accurate classification and duty rate. You will be responsible for the translation of product content for Apparel Asia product line in Nike Trade Net (NTN) system: 

  • Work directly with Nike’s Customs brokers and various supply chain partners to provide tariff classification, missing documentation, and resolve discrepancies.

  • Partner with stakeholders to provide input and resolve requests from KR Customs, and other government agencies.

  • Engage and support key functions driving compliance, process improvement and operational efficiencies.

  • Increase product classification accuracy and prevent import declaration errors through functional analysis every month.

  • Monitor performance indicators and achievements with Japan, Pacific and South-East Asia and & India (SEA&I).



01 応募

私たちのチームは、多様なスキルセット、知識、意見、アイデア、バックグラウンドを持つメンバーで構成されています。 職務内容、部門、チームを確認して、自分に合った役割を見つけましょう。

02 採用担当者に会う、または評価を受ける

コーポレートの職務を選んだ場合、面接プロセスを開始するために採用担当者が連絡を取り、面接が終了するまでの間、あなたの主な窓口となります。 リテール職の場合は、チャットとクイズを含む対話型の評価を行うことになります。所要時間は約10~20分です。 職務に関わらず、私たちは皆さんの人となりを知りたいと思っています。世界トップクラスのサービスに対する考え方や、あなたの独自性について遠慮なく話してください。

03 面接


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