NIKE, Inc.チームの 一員になる

NIKE, Inc.の仕事は、世界トップクラスのアスリートたちにウェアやシューズを提供することだけではありません。ここは自分の潜在力を探求し、限界を取り払って、可能性を大きく広げることができる職場です。Nikeが求めているのは、意欲を持って成長し、自分の頭で考え、夢を思い描き、新しく創造できる人材。多様性を武器に創意工夫を奨励することで、企業文化を発展させています。Nikeブランドは、成功に向かって努力を続ける人や、チームを率いるリーダーや、大きな目標を思い描ける人材を求めています。常に進化し続ける仕事にはやりがいがあり、NIKE, Inc.では従業員一人ひとりが各々のスキルと情熱を日々の業務に注いでいます。

Become a Part of the NIKE, Technology, Data & Analytics Enablement Team.

Nike, Inc. Technology is on point for making the world’s largest sport brand run faster, smarter, and more securely. From infrastructure to security and supply chain operations, Technology specialists drive growth through top-flight hardware, software, and enterprise applications. Global Technology passionately innovates solutions to drive growth while creating and implementing tools that help make everything else in the company possible!

The marketplace is changing more rapidly than ever before, driven by consolidation in digital engagement, changes in consumer behavior, and reliance on digital channels for commerce. To succeed in this future environment, Nike must leverage commercial and consumer data from strategic partners and its owned retail distribution to better plan and allocate products, fuel innovation, meet consumer demand and build seamless consumer experiences throughout the

marketplace. The Data & Analytics Enablement Team strives to reduce friction associated with the creation, management, sharing, and consumption of trustworthy data across Nike. As Senior Data Governance Analyst you will steer initiatives that enable Nike’s data-driven digital transformation – ensuring that our data is available, consistent, and trusted.

Who we are looking for

We are seeking a passionate Data Governance Analyst who is able to unlock business value by driving up our Data Governance maturity. You mobilize others within and beyond your team to develop and embed processes and technologies which make Data Governance quick and easy. You have a strong record of translating strategy and theory into tangible results, demonstrating a flexible and adaptable communication style to garner support and overcome roadblocks. You challenge the status quo through your own experience and expertise, whilst being able to bring people (at all levels of the organization) along the journey through powerful storytelling. You value progress over perfection and are prepared to step onto the field and lead by example. The Sr. Data Governance Analyst walks the tightrope between business and technology making Data Governance understandable and approachable for everyone in our organization. You take the lead in driving the domain activation of the data governance community and partner with a

fellow Data Governance Analyst on a shared domain. You bring a steadfast dedication to continuous improvement and are able to develop pragmatic roadmaps which lead Nike toward our strategic Data Governance objectives.

What you will bring DGA (Data Literacy & Stewardship)

  • Expertise in interpreting and communicating Data Analytics concepts such as presenting to stakeholders 

  • Experience guiding, leading, and engaging varying audiences in data analytics for organizational impact to enhance data driven decision making capabilities. 


  • Hands-on experience building and implementing internal educational trainings or development programs with measurable outcomes to gauge efficacy 


  • Knowledge of digital media content creation preferred such as videos, articles/blogs, social media, or audio programs. Experience using content editing programs a plus. 

  • Eagerness and previous experience to conduct training programs and facilitate workshops on technical topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Metadata, and more 

  • Your ability to leverage your strategic mindset and strong communication skills to collaborate effectively with business partners 

What you will work on: DGA (Data Literacy & Stewardship) 

  • Developing and growing data literacy strategy through research, and identification of data strategy including vendor relationship management.   

  • Managing timeline of data literacy program releases and identifying risks and blockers with problem-solving recommendations  

  • Collaborating with learning management systems to develop and create training and communications 

  • Leading and encouraging data domain teams across Nike EMEA geo to engage in data literacy programs 

  • Applying storytelling to data analytics with BI tools 

  • Co-creating objectives for the purpose of building and implementing an EMEA wide data literacy program for Nike 

For this role we do not offer relocation



01 応募

私たちのチームは、多様なスキルセット、知識、意見、アイデア、バックグラウンドを持つメンバーで構成されています。 職務内容、部門、チームを確認して、自分に合った役割を見つけましょう。

02 採用担当者に会う、または評価を受ける

コーポレートの職務を選んだ場合、面接プロセスを開始するために採用担当者が連絡を取り、面接が終了するまでの間、あなたの主な窓口となります。 リテール職の場合は、チャットとクイズを含む対話型の評価を行うことになります。所要時間は約10~20分です。 職務に関わらず、私たちは皆さんの人となりを知りたいと思っています。世界トップクラスのサービスに対する考え方や、あなたの独自性について遠慮なく話してください。

03 面接


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