NIKE, Inc.チームの 一員になる
NIKE, Inc.の仕事は、世界トップクラスのアスリートたちにウェアやシューズを提供することだけではありません。ここは自分の潜在力を探求し、限界を取り払って、可能性を大きく広げることができる職場です。Nikeが求めているのは、意欲を持って成長し、自分の頭で考え、夢を思い描き、新しく創造できる人材。多様性を武器に創意工夫を奨励することで、企業文化を発展させています。Nikeブランドは、成功に向かって努力を続ける人や、チームを率いるリーダーや、大きな目標を思い描ける人材を求めています。常に進化し続ける仕事にはやりがいがあり、NIKE, Inc.では従業員一人ひとりが各々のスキルと情熱を日々の業務に注いでいます。
As a Quality Engineer for the Nike Quality team under GC Tech, you’ll find yourself immersed in fast-paced projects crossing a wide range of technologies and experiences. We’ll ask you to take a strong, consumer-focused view of every deliverable and, through collaboration, be responsible for consistent and reliable delivery of awesome software solutions.
You’ll focus on defining test coverage, developing test plans, creating and maintaining test cases, executing functional and sometimes performance tests, evaluating and reporting on the quality of existing technologies and new projects in Nike’s rapidly evolving ecosystem.
Much of your work will be focused on manual testing. You’ll be rolling up your sleeves, serving as an expert, hands-on tester of retail applications and other systems, across different platforms including App, Web, WeChat mini-program, and etc.. You need to get great satisfaction from the manual testing process and relish the opportunity to dig deep.
You’ll need to be flexible and adaptable because our world changes daily. You will spend much of your time as a key member of the Quality team solving a business problem, but you’ll also bring great experience and motivation to the entire quality team. You will be passionately pragmatic, sincerely savvy and capable of negotiation, reinvention, and smart compromise.
You may also be required to:
- Engage with Product, Program, Engineering, and Design teams to design test strategies, and compose test plans executed by Quality teams for targeted experiences
- Develop, modify, apply, and maintain standards for software quality operating methods, processes, systems and procedures
- Conduct software inspection, testing, verification, and validation which results in the reduction of defects released into production, improves quality, and enhances consumer experience
- Work with other teams to resolve any test dependencies/blockers, and make sure the test plan can move smoothly.
- Train and motivate teams of peers, engineers, or others to execute on the test plans and strategies that QE team defined
- Review software design, change specifications, and plans against process requirements
- Participate in bug scrubs and prioritization sessions
- Develop metrics and reports to share with cross-functional teams
01 応募
私たちのチームは、多様なスキルセット、知識、意見、アイデア、バックグラウンドを持つメンバーで構成されています。 職務内容、部門、チームを確認して、自分に合った役割を見つけましょう。
02 採用担当者に会う、または評価を受ける
コーポレートの職務を選んだ場合、面接プロセスを開始するために採用担当者が連絡を取り、面接が終了するまでの間、あなたの主な窓口となります。 リテール職の場合は、チャットとクイズを含む対話型の評価を行うことになります。所要時間は約10~20分です。 職務に関わらず、私たちは皆さんの人となりを知りたいと思っています。世界トップクラスのサービスに対する考え方や、あなたの独自性について遠慮なく話してください。
03 面接