NIKE, Inc.チームの 一員になる
NIKE, Inc.の仕事は、世界トップクラスのアスリートたちにウェアやシューズを提供することだけではありません。ここは自分の潜在力を探求し、限界を取り払って、可能性を大きく広げることができる職場です。Nikeが求めているのは、意欲を持って成長し、自分の頭で考え、夢を思い描き、新しく創造できる人材。多様性を武器に創意工夫を奨励することで、企業文化を発展させています。Nikeブランドは、成功に向かって努力を続ける人や、チームを率いるリーダーや、大きな目標を思い描ける人材を求めています。常に進化し続ける仕事にはやりがいがあり、NIKE, Inc.では従業員一人ひとりが各々のスキルと情熱を日々の業務に注いでいます。
We are looking for a Senior Professional of Concept Development that will work with leadership in Retail Concept and cross-functional teams to develop and execute the strategy for existing and new GC-unique retail concepts.
What you will work on:
As our Senior, Concept Development, you will be responsible for driving and/or co-lead the internal, cross-functional, and internal-external work streams of 1-2 retail concepts at various stages of concept life cycle, as well as supporting on cross-concept initiatives as needed.
• Concept ideation: Build and validate retail concept positioning through the compilation and analysis of market, consumer, business opportunity, corporate strategy, and store feasibility. Be the initiator and thought partner for key stakeholders to achieve an aligned direction of concept experience proposal across product, environment, and services.
• Project Management: Serve as the lead PMO for concept direction development and pilot door execution process. Set up scope and coordinate timeline with key working team partners and ensure all proposals are signed off and key tasks are delivered at each critical gate. Lead pilot and critical scale doors’ learning agenda as well as training toolkit to frontline store athletes.
• Concept playbook: Create robust tiering strategy for the concept(s) and partner with key functions to compile detailed playbook for this concept that meets the goal of profitability and scalability.
• Store performance tracking: Maintain regular performance data analysis of concepts in-charge and keep records, insights and feedback of the concepts’ key doors at each seasonal gate. Evaluate implications to concept strategy to optimize the business opportunity.
• Cross-concept Initiatives: support on tasks including (but not limited to) consumer trend and competitor database upkeep, market visit, cost tracking, and presentation prep for internal and external parties.
• Bachelor’s degree or above with 5+ years of relevant work experience. Retail industry in-house or agency experience preferred.
• Proficiency in English and Mandarin Chinese.
• Proficiency in Microsoft Office and Keynote. Other software capability can be a plus.
• Trustworthy team player that respects and recognizes the input from diverse groups of people.
• Agile with shifts in organizational priority and project, and able to navigate ambiguity.
• Strong attention to detail when handling projects with different levels of complexity.
• Proactive in building relationship with teammates and acquiring information.
01 応募
私たちのチームは、多様なスキルセット、知識、意見、アイデア、バックグラウンドを持つメンバーで構成されています。 職務内容、部門、チームを確認して、自分に合った役割を見つけましょう。
02 採用担当者に会う、または評価を受ける
コーポレートの職務を選んだ場合、面接プロセスを開始するために採用担当者が連絡を取り、面接が終了するまでの間、あなたの主な窓口となります。 リテール職の場合は、チャットとクイズを含む対話型の評価を行うことになります。所要時間は約10~20分です。 職務に関わらず、私たちは皆さんの人となりを知りたいと思っています。世界トップクラスのサービスに対する考え方や、あなたの独自性について遠慮なく話してください。
03 面接