The Senior Partner Rep, Key & General, Singapore reports to the Manager, Key & General Partners Singapore and will work closely with several cross functional teams within Nike such as planning, marketing, finance, and operations to ensure smooth business continuity.


We are looking for a Senior Partner Representative to join our team with a high degree of curiosity and learning agility, excellent strategic account planning and project organizational skills, and an ability to communicate effectively with accounts and internal cross-functional teams.

We will work together to support and drive business growth, consumer focus, strategy development, marketing plans and manage relationships with key partners. The successful candidate will identify business opportunities and implement product strategies, stay current on product and product changes, and display strong customer service skills.

  • Bachelor’s degree or higher education in the relevant or a related field.

  • Have a minimum 5-6 years of field sales management experience that includes field sales, merchandising or sales business analysis.

  • Ability and vision to provide 360-degree business solutions given the dynamic multi-brand retail.

  • Experience in successfully implementing various sales programs, procedures, and experience in utilizing financial decision making, models and translating results into business plans and accurate revenue forecasts.

  • Exceptional verbal and written communication skills in English, with ability to clearly articulate goals and objectives.

  • Ability to influence both cross functionally and vertically within the organization.

  • Ability to prepare, plan and deliver clear and persuasive presentations, and think strategically by providing solutions.


As a Senior Partner Representative (Account Manager), you will co-create and lead strategies to create the future marketplace. You will optimize Nike product sales by delivering accurate and realistic seasonal assortments, forecasts, and scenario plans.

  • Create and implement business plans for achieving revenue growth and other financial targets.

  • Lead and oversee the realistic and accurate scenario planning, forecasting, seasonal initiatives, business analysis, and new sales opportunities.

  • Understand, drive, and scale Retail Elevation across our markets and find ways to leverage best in class examples across our teams.

기대할 수 있는 사항

채용 계획

01 지원

나이키 팀은 다양한 기술과 지식, 의견, 아이디어, 배경을 가진 사람들로 구성되어 있습니다. 직무 소개서와 부서, 팀을 살펴보며 내게 맞는 역할을 찾아보세요. 적합한 직무를 찾을 수 있기를 바랍니다.

02 채용 담당자와의 만남 또는 평가 진행

본사 직무에 선발되면 면접 과정을 시작하고자 채용 담당자가 연락을 드립니다. 해당 과정을 진행하는 동안 이 담당자와 주로 연락하게 됩니다. 리테일 직무의 경우 채팅과 퀴즈 등 양방향 평가가 진행되며, 완료하는 데는 약 10~20분이 소요됩니다. 어떤 직무에 지원하시든, 나이키는 여러분에 관한 모든 정보를 듣고 싶습니다. 그러니 여러분이 어떻게 세계 최고 수준의 서비스를 제공할 것인지, 여러분만의 특별함은 무엇인지 주저하지 말고 보여주시길 바랍니다.

03 면접

이 단계를 자신 있게 시작하기 위해 필요한 정보를 조사하고 나이키가 추구하는 요소를 파악해 보세요. 또 여러분과 여러분의 배경에 관해 자세히 알기 위해 고안된 질문에 답할 준비를 갖추세요.

야외 환경에서 웃고 포옹하는 두 사람