Zostań członkiem zespołu NIKE, Inc.
NIKE, Inc. to nie tylko firma, która ubiera najlepszych sportowców na świecie. To miejsce, w którym możesz odkryć swój potencjał, przekroczyć granice oraz sprawić, że niemożliwe staje się możliwe. Firma poszukuje ludzi, którzy chcą się rozwijać i potrafią myśleć, marzyć oraz tworzyć. Jej kultura rozwija się dzięki różnorodności i wspieraniu kreatywności. Potrzebni są w niej ludzie ambitni, urodzeni liderzy i prawdziwi wizjonerzy. W NIKE, Inc. każda osoba wnosi do gry swoje umiejętności oraz pasje. Dzięki temu ciągle się rozwijamy.
As the Digital Loss Prevention Senior Manager, you will build up and lead risk mitigation in our digital business including payment optimization (policy), fraud (Bots, abuse), post-purchase (Demand-to-Net) and data analytics (loss prevention focused). You will be responsible for ensuring our resources and capabilities are properly aligned to the execution of key priorities, as you develop and implement ecommerce risk management strategies to appropriate tolerance levels based on advanced data analytics and trends. You will maintain industry knowledge of ecommerce risk trends, performance drivers and the latest developments in fraud and abuse protection tools and make recommendations for necessary investments in prevention solutions and strategies in our digital business.
You will manage a team of professionals to detect and resolve abuse and other risks which include internal policy violations and many others. Your team will develop and track key metrics, analyze performance and communicate the results. You will help to shape the importance of analytics to instill the importance of data driven-decisions as a key component of success. You will develop and maintain a strategy for facilitating support and communication within the team and for external stakeholders. Your team will be responsible for assessing the current state of effectiveness, adoption and sustainability of our current programs, and recommending improvements in line with the strategy. You will bring strong financial acumen and be responsible for the financial planning and budget commitments, as well as the volume-based methodologies within each function.
You will serve as the primary point of contact for Greater China Digital Loss Prevention, helping to illustrate the value of brand protection and risk within the consumer experience. The role requires a self-starter, with the tenacity to move ideas into action, and possess the needed strength of working closely with various stakeholders to ensure transparency and connectivity. Additionally, this role requires a leader with a strong combination of analytical, leadership and communication skills.
You will be part of the Nike Direct Digital Commerce organization, while working closely with Digital Platform Business, Digital Operations, Finance, Tech, etc. cross-functional teams.
• Develop, lead and manage a multi-functional Digital Risk & Control team of varying skillsets and tenure.
• Provide direction and support to ensure team is meeting performance expectations and have the proper coaching and tools to be successful.
• Create and manage a Greater China specific strategy including roadmap, resource planning and budgeting.
• Support and lead in aligning risk and control strategies across key partners – Supply Chain/Consumer service/Finance/ Payment Operations/ Legal/ Internal Audit/Security/ Retail Loss Prevention.
• Maintain knowledge of ecommerce risk trends, schemes, performance drivers, and mitigation tools.
Understand impacts to Nike’s business and recommend solutions.
• Implement and maintain capabilities and processes. Manage Risk mitigation processes for emerging trends and behaviors via rule analytics and models through third party and/or data science.
• Monitor existing metrics and partner with internal and external teams to identify process and system improvement opportunities.
• Create and utilize intake process to ensure clear expectations and work back commitments with all business partners are met.
• Provide and articulate business case analysis/modeling for process and capability improvements.
• Understand the vision, direction and culture of Nike Digital Risk & Control.
• Bachelor's degree in Business, Finance, Economics, or experience in a related field highly preferred.
• 5 years of leadership experience with proven ability to set strategic direction and lead teams though high-profile projects.
• 10+ years of experience in financial institution, retail, or e-commerce required.
• 3 years of experience in broad-based business analytics roles including application of business insights and development of high-impact management and operational reporting.
• Advanced PowerPoint skills required. Mac/ Keynote skills highly required.
• Strong financial and business acumen required.
• Proven ability to turn data into visualized, actionable analysis and metrics -craft a compelling story using data.
• Strong oral, written and presentation skills combined with the ability to articulate complex business concepts.
• Proven ability to create and operationalize transaction fraud strategies.
• Proven ability to source and operationalize in advance technology of Bots mitigation.
• Prior experience presenting and communicating to all levels of leadership within a diverse workplace.
1. Aplikuj
Nasze zespoły składają się z osób o różnych umiejętnościach, wiedzy, pomysłach i doświadczeniach, a każda z nich może dać od siebie coś innego. Chcemy, żebyś znalazł(a) tu coś dla siebie – zapoznaj się z opisami stanowisk, działami i zespołami, aby odkryć, jakie stanowisko będzie dla Ciebie odpowiednie.
2. Poznaj osobę rekrutującą lub przystąp do oceny
W przypadku stanowisk korporacyjnych rekruter(ka) skontaktuje się z Tobą w celu rozpoczęcia procesu rekrutacyjnego i przez cały okres jego trwania będzie pozostawać z Tobą w kontakcie. Rekrutacja na stanowisko związane ze sprzedażą wymaga przeprowadzenia procesu interaktywnej oceny, który obejmuje czat i quizy, a jego ukończenie zajmuje około 10–20 minut. Niezależnie od stanowiska, chcemy jak najlepiej poznać naszych kandydatów i nasze kandydatki, więc zachęcamy do opowiedzenia nam o tym, jak rozumiesz pojęcie obsługi klienckiej na światowym poziomie oraz co sprawia, że jesteś osobą wyjątkową.
3. Rozmowa kwalifikacyjna
Warto podejść do tego etapu z pewnością siebie. W tym celu zapoznaj się z naszymi oczekiwaniami i przygotuj się na pytania, które pomogą nam pogłębić wiedzę o Tobie i Twoim doświadczeniu.