成為 NIKE, Inc. 團隊的一員
NIKE, Inc. 不僅為世界傑出運動員提供裝備, 這是一個探索潛能、消弭疆界及超越可能的園地。 公司尋找能夠成長、思考、懷抱夢想與創造的人才, 透過擁抱多元和獎勵想像力,讓文化欣欣向榮。 品牌尋找成就者、管理者以及具有遠見的夢想家。 在 NIKE, Inc.,我們就是要讓每個人都能在面對挑戰性十足且不斷演變進化的賽局中,揮灑熱情並一展所長。
Job Description
Overview of the Job: Build regional monthly store target which is critical linked with first line-athletes incentive. Lead weekly sales forecast by CDGC level, reflect store seasonality change and recent performance, guide allocation team to do product distribution to right place with right product needs. Key owner of fleet plan generation, fully involved in fleet evolution gates, generate REV/Zoning plan for X-team alignment and leader team’s sign off.
Key Responsibility:
• Yearly/Quarterly
Lead budget split into door level, includes REV and 8 KPIs, guide X-team to further generate working plan, such as wage%/ RAS….
Create fleet evaluation result to guide fleet evolution plan, split exiting doors into 4 groups linked with investment strategy (Expansion/Revite./Watch/Divest), reflect the latest plan into CSR/AOP/Budget.
Plan new/Reno Unite doors’ space and REV size to guide the investment strategy lands at profitable and efficient level
Refresh store segmentation and Unite Tiering, key inputs of NVS Rebuy demand simulation, pre-season Rebuy assortment building block, as well as in-season CO product distribution. Right door segmentation is the fundamental of pre-season buy, in-season execution of source distribution
• Monthly/Weekly
Lead monthly store target generation and communication, ensure fair and reasonable target be worked out
Initiate and customize each new/Reno Unite store’s KPI/REV under finance guardrail guidance, generate SKU zoning plan for space planning& design, clearly communicate with Fin/RE/Field to adopt plan
Weekly analysis business performance for owned region, provide data insights and navigate solutions to retail territory director, support each door’s correct rolling forecast generation, and finally achieve monthly goal.
Job Qualifications:
• Excellent data analysis with good understanding of retail business
• Strong and demonstrated ability to effectively communicate and influence others
• Knowledge of MS office applications; especially in Excel
• Good team player and ability to work with the X-functional teammates
01 申請
我們的團隊由多元技能、知識庫、意見、想法和背景組成。 我們希望你找到合適的職位:查看職務說明、部門和團隊,探索適合你的角色。
02 與招募人員會面或進行評估
若獲選擔任公司職務,招募人員會與你聯絡,以展開面試流程,並在整個流程中擔任你的主要聯絡人。 若為 Retail 職務,你將完成包含對談和測驗的互動式評估,完成評估約需 10 至 20 分鐘的時間。 無論是哪個角色,我們都想瞭解你的各種面向,因此請不要避談你如何提供世界級的服務,以及你的與眾不同之處。
03 面試