成为 NIKE, Inc. 团队的一员
NIKE, Inc. 不仅仅是为全球顶尖运动员提供装备,更是一个发掘潜力、突破边界、创造无限可能的地方。我们致力于寻找善于成长、思考、梦想和创造的人才。我们的企业文化因拥抱多元化、鼓励想象力而蓬勃发展。Nike 寻觅奋斗者、领导者和梦想者的加入。NIKE, Inc. 员工以出色的专业技能迎接挑战,满怀激情地投身于不断变化的行业发展之中。
This job is an Junior level job for Retail Marketing professional to drive brand awareness and boost business in Nike's retail store landscape. they will play a leading role in crafting and implementing strategies that resonate with GC consumers and enhance our market presence.
- Represent Outdoor in x-functional meetings to collect and report information to their manager.
- Collaborate with Men’s Women’s Kid‘s Retail Brand counterpart to Support the creation and execution of campaigns in Nike retail stores.
- Deliver Retail brief based on Brand brief from Outdoor Brand team.
- Quick reaction to quick strike projects. Eg, Outdoor sports moment Champaign retail celebration with product and service offering.
- Collaborate with the digital team to optimize online retail joinery
- Bachelor's degree in Marketing or Business or related field.
- 3-5 years of experience, with retail marketing or marketing.
- Proficiency in basic marketing tools like understanding consumer research report, and Keynote, MS Office.
- Strong communication skills, with the ability to write compelling brief and interact well with customers and x-functional teams.
- A growth mindset eager to learn and quick actions to facilitate the project in retail marketing mix.
01 申请
我们的团队拥有多元化的技能组合、知识库、意见、想法和背景。 希望你能找到适合自己的职位,因此请查看职位描述、部门和团队,找到适合你的职位。
02 与招聘人员会面或进行评估
如果被选中担任公司职位,招聘人员将会联系你开启面试流程,并在整个过程中担任你的主要联系人。 如果是零售职位,你需要完成互动式评估,包括聊天和测验,用时约 10 到 20 分钟。 无论担任什么职位,我们都希望充分了解你。因此,请尽情展现你如何提供世界一流的服务以及你的独特之处。
03 面试